Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hello from Europe.

Hi.  I have survived my travel, barely, will not bore zou with details of late flights etc.  The z and the y are in different places on Czech kezboard so zou will see me using z for y verz frequentlz in mz letters to zou.  I will have trouble relearning to type with entirelz different kezboard in two weeks time.  But I will trz.¨

I do not have wifi and now I will have more trouble writing my blog.  I will send you as much as I can on borrowed computer.  Pictures will be more difficult and may have to wait until I get back.

I wake in quietness in mz, my...arranged flat. It is unsettling to do everzthing alone.  It is good for me to experience this again. This first week is for reading and writing.  I usually have a theme for mz studz leave......(study leave)...but this year it is not a theme so much as a project.  To read, to write and to plan mz, (my), entire zear, (year) of preaching.  It gives me a goal and a direction.  Next week I will be at the Seminary and have chapel everz morning and work in the library....meet new friends, listen to stories of faith from people living in verz, (very) different places and cultures.

Already, the traveling, negotiating for mz needs reminds me again how big this world of ours is, how the differences between us are small and what unites us in our humanitz are the things that matter most.

Before I left, Pastor Gail from Ogden, wrote to me a note and her last words to me were:  Vaya con dios.....Go with God.   That is the plan for us all.¨

Maz (may) zou (you) go with God in zour life this day.
(if nothing else, this computer will slow me down and make me concentrate.)

I praz, oh my, I will pray for you,
while zou are prazing for me.:)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just a quick hi and I will read your blog. Miss you.