Thursday, April 25, 2013

Second Chances.

Chapel last week was about second chances.

This week it is on Psalms.  Well, five of the Psalms. 

Yesterday we read the Psalm and then talked about the story of the rich young ruler who comes
to Jesus with his questions about salvation.  He offers Jesus proof of his good life, his obedience
to the rules of the faith, his knowledge of the Torah, his confidence that salvation will be a cinch.
Jesus tells him to sell everything and give to the poor and salvation will be his.

A young male student from Hungry in broken English, suggests that we consider this idea and
then a question.  He reminds us that this young ruler came to Jesus happy and then scriptures
tell us he leaves sad.  He wonders aloud if we come to Jesus happy only to leave sad, because
we too have idols in the way of salvation.  What might stand in the way of us serving God?
Do we leave our conversations, our time, with Jesus, happy or sad?  Do we dare to give God more
or less?

I also leave wondering if the rich man ever decided to give away all and follow Jesus?  I wonder
did he get a second chance?  Did he seek a second chance?

Do we?


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